Community Platform Enterprise

Looking for a complete and robust community platform for many users? 

Then ConnAct Enterprise is the right solution!

Improve your organization's communication and knowledge sharing

Publish, share and communicate like never before with modern, easy-to-use tools. Make better decisions thanks to centralized knowledge. Facilitate (project) staff by giving them the information they need in the format they want.

News and announcements

Keep your (project) staff informed of the latest news and announcements.

Blog Platform

Get your organization talking and sharing with your own enterprise-level blog platform.

Document Management

Not only can you store files, you can use them within your organization as an interactive tool by collaborating, posting comments and providing reviews.


Knowledge, skills and best practices of your (project) employees are shared within their own workspace.

Web pages

Create custom static or dynamic web pages for your community or for specific groups - design them as simply or in as much detail as you want with our built-in pagebuilder.

Events and Calendars

Easily stay up to date on all your important activities. Publish and track RSVPs for meetings, webcasts and conferences.

Photo sharing

Skillfully manage and share photos with your organization. Upload and share albums and insert images wherever you want.

Sharing videos

Share your own productions or the best of the Internet. Upload, tag and share videos with the rest of the team.

Polls and surveys

Build your community and find out what's going on among your members through polls and surveys. With multiple-choice questions, real-time results and much more.


Find what you need quickly and easily. And control what gets indexed to make results more relevant.


Design your own homepage. All (project) employees are going to value this and so it becomes a tool they use every day. Decide who gets to see what.

Within the Talking Traffic program, we are working with 25 market parties and 60 decentralized authorities. ConnAct's Dutch Mobility Innovations community platform lends itself perfectly to this.

Caspar de Jonge

Program manager Ministry of IenW

Set up workstations for company departments or projects

Instantly create online workspaces so your people can collaborate. Communities and Groups are a simple, yet powerful way to manage your business, even for the most complex projects.

Business Departments

Create a community for each department within your company. For example, set one up for HR to host policies and tools, and give marketing and sales their own space to perform better as a department and work even better together.

Project Teams

Empower your people to build project teams. Set up secure online workspaces where you can collaborate on tasks, share files and communicate effectively.


Bring your customers even closer by offering each of them a private communication space.

Clubs and Committees

Host a community where people can connect around a topic related to your organization.


Launch communities for new employees and subject matter experts so they can connect and help each other.

Sales Enablement

Launch a community and invite the entire sales team. Upload sales materials that everyone can access anytime, anywhere. You'll see, account managers become even more successful.

Open Communities

Let anyone participate in an open community! People can easily find your community - or just browse the list of public communities. Great for knowledge bases and frequently asked questions.

Private communities

Keep certain content, conversations and projects private between selected people. Ideal for personal projects, departments, "top secret" task groups, functional groups and sensitive topics, such as employee reviews.

Working with an online community is an absolute must. These days, if you work "anywhere, anytime," you can't help but find a common place in the digital world to share information securely.

Robert Janssen

Senior Consultant TNO

Your Intranet. Anywhere, Anytime.

ConnAct makes it easier than ever to get things done at work. Connect people and take action like never before. Unify your organization and give employees access to the intranet anywhere, anytime.

Give each name a face

Easily find and contact people by title, name, community or department. Connect the entire organization with modern user profiles. Quickly find the expertise and knowledge you need to achieve business goals. Increase employee engagement by leveraging their skills and abilities.

People search

Imagine having all the relevant people in one place, within which you can easily search by company, knowledge, position, department and thus quickly find the people you need.

Interactive organizational chart

Quickly and visually understand and navigate an organizational structure. See who reports to whom.

Extended profiles

A user profile contains personal, work and contact information along with skills, making it easy to find and/or connect with someone.


ConnAct enables connections - and the relationships they create - by showing you who is who and how you know someone.


Display a leaderboard on your homepage to publicly reward engagement. And offer additional incentives for people who score high in terms of engagement.


Encourage participation and get your employees more involved in their daily activities through points and rewards.


Give and get kudos. Your employees can reward each other with badges to say thank you, recognize a job well done and appreciate the accomplishments of others.

Personal timeline

Your personal timeline is a real-time feed with dynamic content about what you are working on and who you are working with.

We work within the project with more than 400 people from all levels of government and business on our projects, so good communication is required. As you can imagine, email is no longer an option. So we opted for multiple communities from ConnAct. This works very well for us.

Paul Swaak

Program manager Ministry of IenW

Help employees get more done with timelines, notifications, task and project management.

Stay on top of the latest developments, important dates and your tasks with calendar and task management and project boards. Everything that happens within your (project) organization can be found here.

Task management and Kanban board

Know what and when needs to be done and who is responsible. Never ask questions about due dates and results again.

Chat & Instant Messaging

Stay in touch with your team with a fully featured, mobile-enabled chat tool. See who is available and start a conversation - with one person or everyone.

Personal and group calendars

Organize your schedule and keep track of meetings and important dates. Share your entire calendar and invite people to events.

Discussion forums

Start collaborations with lively online discussion forums. Consult the public for answers to your questions and inspire your (project) organization.


What's happening right now? Check your timeline to see what the people and groups you follow are working on.


Capture the best of your employees, customers and partners. With built-in voice features and social sharing, quickly find ideas worth sharing.

Help desk and case tracking

Don't let problems and support questions get lost. With powerful features such as unlimited tracking, and selection filters, you'll be a rock for all community users and (project) staff.


Stay informed and ready to act with real-time (email) notifications, even on your mobile.

The use of online communities has become professional. Where once a student was hired to manage online discussions, now a highly trained community manager sits and works on community positioning, moderation policies and strategic content management.

Erik Arends

Senior consultant AT Osborne